This is a short post to remind you that Phalcon 0.9.0 is officially supported by Fortrabbit. So if you need to install applications created in Phalcon, you can take advantage of this provider.
We are very pleased to announce the immediate availability of Phalcon Framework 0.9.0 stable!
As always, we would like to thank the community for their time and enthusiasm in getting Phalcon better.
Phalcon now has a discussion forum!
While there are plenty of choices on the Internet, when in need of installing discussion forum software, we decided to roll out our own, to showcase Phalcon and its features. We call this new forum software Phosphorum.
Phosphorum is lightweight and simple in its design, thus it does not implement many sophisticated features, Currently it supports
We are happy to announce the release of Phalcon 0.9.0 Beta. This new release follows our roadmap, introducing features mostly requested by our community. We thank everyone that has been involved by providing input and helping with testing and finding bugs.
As we gradually get closer to Phalcon 1.0, we have introduced in each version more and more features, stabilizing the framework consistently without losing performance. Many of you have provided feedback and requested new features that have been implemented in each release or are soon to be implemented. Once again, a big thank you for your time and participation.
We are close to completing one year of building a PHP framework which follows a totally different perspective, taking on the challenges of innovation and the search for new and better ways of working and achieving our goals.
We’re very proud to announce the immediate release of Phalcon 0.8. As mentioned in the alpha/beta posts we’ve introduce a lot of new and exciting features in this major release. As always we have improved performance and addressed several bugs increasing the overall stability of the framework.
A big thank you to all the community and every tester who has reported bugs and requested new features. We are constantly getting closer to the best balance between speed and functionality in the PHP world and this is mostly due to our community!
After the introduction of many new and exciting features in our alpha version, we are today releasing the first beta version of 0.8.0.
We’re happy to announce the last release of this year, 0.8.0 Alpha. This release is a preview of Phalcon’s next stable release which will come next year. We decided to release this alpha version, so that you can get acquainted with the new features coming down the line.
In this article we highlight some of the features implemented:
We are very excited to release our third Phalcon demo after INVO and the alternative PHP website to the community, so as to showcase the power of Phalcon.
In this demo, we decided to go big! We created a music album library where one can get information about their favorite artists, discover new music and much more.