Since we have been accepting financial contributions from our community, we would like to present a financial update, so as to showcase where those funds are used and why.
From all of us at the Phalcon Team, may 2020 be filled with health and happiness for you and your loved ones!
The Phalcon Team would like to invite you to join us on Saturday, December 21st at 12:00 EST (17:00 UTC) for our v4 Release Party!
Another update regarding v4 and what we have been up to since our last blog post, brought to you by the Phalcon Team :)
A quick update for this week and the next one regarding v4 and what we have been up to since our last blog post, brought to you by the Phalcon Team :)
We are very happy to announce the release of v4.0.0 Release Candidate (RC) 3!.
Time for a Live Release! Join us tomorrow 2019-11-16 at 12:00 EST (16:00 UTC) for the live release of Phalcon v4.0.0.RC3