Hello everyone and Happy Father’s day!

For our Father’s day present, we are extremely happy to announce the release of our newest Phalcon version: 3.2.0.

Our Github issues page has well over 600 issues. However those are mostly New Feature Requests (NFRs), so we started clearing up more and more bugs as well as introducing suggested NFRs. Of course all this would not be feasible without the help of our amazing community: Thank you!

We have received the following testimony from Michael Hanekom in our team email. Michael agreed to share his experience in our blog, and we are doing so without any edits:

This is a guest post from Scott Anderson at Nanobox.

Nanobox is a portable, micro platform for developing and deploying apps. When working locally, Nanobox uses Docker to spin up and configure a virtual development environment configured to your specific needs. When you’re ready to deploy to live servers, Nanobox will take that same environment and spin it up on your cloud provider of choice, where you can then manage and scale your app through the Nanobox dashboard.

In this post, we’ll walk through getting a brand new Phalcon app up and running locally, with nothing installed other than Nanobox. First create a free Nanobox account, then download and run the Nanobox installer.

Hello everyone!

Back in March, we asked our community to fill in a short survey, in order to gauge why people are using Phalcon, what we should be doing better etc.

The survey was very brief and consisted of the following questions:

Continuing from our yesterday’s post, we are checking the benchmarks for micro PHP frameworks.

From feedback from the community, we intend to expand this test to be a bit more realistic, offering CRUD tests, JSON responses etc. We will work on this with the community in our repo so any help and suggestions are more than welcome!

Phalcon offers the Phalcon\Mvc\Micro application, used to create micro applications. Again we hope that this blog post will give an indication on what one can expect from a Phalcon Micro application. Note that this blog and our website both run using the Phalcon Micro application. Both sites run on an Amazon VM with 512Mb RAM and 1 vCPU.

It has been quite a while since we run our benchmarks against other networks. Actually the last time we had the benchmarks in our documentation was for Phalcon 1.3! Yes we know, we have been neglecting this.

Hopefully this post will offer some perspective on what you can expect from Phalcon and your application. It goes without saying that every application needs the best design for its needs, but using Phalcon can also push your application’s performance even further.

Hey everyone!!

As part of our restructuring and working towards a better more robust framework in terms of features as well as organization, we have removed the IDE stubs from the Phalcon DevTools repository and moved to its own repository.

Since Phalcon is a module that is loaded in memory and always available, there is no way for an IDE such as PHPStorm to interrogate the sources of the framework and offer autocomplete features for namespaces, classes, methods etc.

To work around this issue, the Phalcon team has been generating IDE stubs that can be used with such IDEs.

Hello everyone!!

We are extremely happy today to announce the release of our newest Phalcon version: 3.1.2.

This release fixes a few bugs, but one of them has been one of the most sought after by the community: PHP 7.1 support.

The release tag can be found here: 3.1.2

Good morning everyone!

We would like to update you on our funding campaign. As most know, we started a funding campaign a few months back, in an effort to raise capital which will help us offer a better, faster and more feature rich framework to our community.

The funds would be used to hire specialists in C, sponsor bug fixes and features, cover expenses for potential conferences etc.

We're a nonprofit organization that creates solutions for web developers. Our products are Phalcon, Zephir and others. If you would like to help us stay free and open, please consider supporting us.