We are really excited to announce Phalcon’s latest release: 3.1.0!

This release addresses several bug fixes and also introduces additional functionality to the framework

The release tag can be found here: 3.1.0

Hello everyone!

We would like to give you a quick update on the work done so far, trying to meet our Q1 goals.

This post is part of a series. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

In the final part of our series, we are going to investigate Middleware and how it helps our application.

This post is part of a series. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

Continuing with our series, we will now discuss the bootstrapping process in depth.

This post is part of a series. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

Our website has undergone a number of iterations in its implementation.

When we released Phalcon 3.0, we also released a fresh look for our website. However, some files were left over from a previous implementation and new text was introduced in several pages. This made that particular text not translatable by Transifex, the excellent service we use to handle translations for our site.

Hello everyone!

We are really excited to announce Phalcon’s latest release: 3.0.4!

This is another maintenance release for the 3.0.x series which addresses several issues.

The release tag can be found here: 3.0.4

Hello everyone

Today we have released a brand new implementation of our website.

Apart from some minor changes to the layout and addition of content, the website looks the same as before.

Greetings everyone!

We are happy to announce that we have recently registered a new domain (https://phalcon.io/) to help the project as well as our community.

The purpose of the new domain is:

  • Help the community share Phalcon related URLs using a short, easy to remember link
  • Showcase the ease of use of creating a new Phalcon application.

Greetings everyone!

As an open source project, Phalcon relies on the contributions of developers throughout the globe, as well as the investment of personal time from the core team. Due to this, it is often that other factors (regular job, other obligations etc.) restrict the amount of time available to devote to the project.

For the project to move forward, the core team and some contributors, have recently set some goals and milestones. We would like to share those with you, so that you are always informed as to where we are and where we are heading.

We're a nonprofit organization that creates solutions for web developers. Our products are Phalcon, Zephir and others. If you would like to help us stay free and open, please consider supporting us.