Since we announced our April Bugfest competition, we are happy to see that we have seen a great number of Pull Requests, for our v4 release!!

Welcome to Phalcon’s April Bugfest!!!

April Bugfest is a month long event, aimed to re-energize the community and squash bugs as fast as possible, that remain for Phalcon v4.

The Phalcon Team is happy to announce the release of v4.0.0 Alpha 4! Github Tag. We also made a mistake yesterday in our hangout, PSR-7/PSR-17 related components were not released with alpha.3; the PR was actually merged after that release. Therefore we are releasing alpha.4 today!

As always, we cannot thank your community enough! As mentioned in yesterday’s hangout, our community rocks! We have more and more people joining our Discord server, contributors are helping with minor and major issues on all repositories. Our community is the drive that makes Phalcon better with every release.

We just finished our March community hangout. As usual it was awesome and super fun! We are really happy to interact with the community and offer news, vision and problems we are facing in the Phalcon ecosystem.

If you have missed the live hangout, you can watch it on YouTube:

The time has come for our monthly hangout. Join us on Saturday the 30th of March 2019, at 12:00:00 EST, to talk about our progress, address concerns and find solutions to common problems.

We will hold this virtual meeting in a Google Hangout on Air, which will broadcast on YouTube

This blog post is not related to the actual code of Phalcon, but to the process of updating our documentation and notifying our Discord server of the build status.

The Phalcon Team is happy to announce the release of v4.0.0 Alpha 3! Github Tag

We cannot thank your community enough! By reporting bugs, offering feedback and suggestions, pull requests, being active in discussions about how the framework should move towards the future, you all help us make Phalcon better with every release.

We are happy to announce that we have released Phalcon 3.4.3.

This release offers support for PHP 7.3 for the v3 series.

As with any open source project, developers usually don’t have the time to keep up with everything that is going on. As such, some things are missed that could potentially help developers. Phalcon is no different, and despite the fact that we have a very “observant” community, we thought we would outline a few things that you might have missed

We're a nonprofit organization that creates solutions for web developers. Our products are Phalcon, Zephir and others. If you would like to help us stay free and open, please consider supporting us.