As discussed in the past, we are posting financial updates for each year, so that the contributors know where their contributions go. This is the 2020 financial summary.

2020 Financial Update

Iā€™m happy to announce the release of my article dedicated to Phalcon, in the December issue of a German magazine called PHP Magazin.

Article about Phalcon in a German magazine

The Phalcon Team wishes all of our friends, contributors, developers and users of the framework a Merry Christmas!. We hope that the new year will bring health and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Merry Christmas!

A quick status update on v5, PHP 8 and our Forum.!

Status update - v5, PHP 8, Forum

We are very happy to announce the release of Phalcon v4.1.0!

Phalcon v4.1.0 released

Time for a new release and community hangout! v4.1 will be released live this Saturday at 10:00 EDT (14:00 UTC)!

Live Release v4.1 and Community Hangout - 2020-10-31

I have been advocating for testable code for more than a decade now. Admittedly, I have - in numerous cases - ignored tests and proceeded with rapid application development due to time constraints. However, the best code I ever produced was the one that was fully tested or very close to 100% covered by tests. You should always try your best to have your code covered by tests as much as possible.

Testing Testing Testing

Join us this Saturday 3rd October at 10:00 EST (14:00 UTC) for a community hangout and update.

Community Hangout and Update - 2020-10-03

Join us this Sunday 6th September at 10:00 EST (14:00 UTC) for a community hangout and update.

Community Hangout and Update - 2020-09-06
We're a nonprofit organization that creates solutions for web developers. Our products are Phalcon, Zephir and others. If you would like to help us stay free and open, please consider supporting us.