We are very happy to announce the release of Phalcon v5.0.0 Alpha 3!

Phalcon 5.0.0alpha3 Released!

We are happy to announce a new partnership between DigitalOcean and Phalcon!

DigitalOcean and Phalcon

There is a lot of confusion in the community as to what the future holds for Phalcon and what the versions are. In this blog post, we will try to clear the confusion, and have it as a reference for the community.

Phalcon Roadmap

Time for an update and a new release and community hangout! v5.0-alpha-2 will be released live this Wednesday at 17:00 EDT (21:00 UTC)!

Phalcon 4.1.2, Live Release v5-alpha-2, Community Hangout - 2021-05-03

We are very happy to announce the release of Phalcon v4.1.2!

Phalcon v4.1.2 Released

We are very happy to announce the release of Phalcon v5.0.0 Alpha 1!

Phalcon v5.0.0 Alpha 1 Released!

We are happy to announce the immediate release of Zephir 0.13.0.

Zephir 0.13.0 Released

This is going to be a rather long-ish post with our latest update. We will have a community hangout this weekend to discuss all these in detail.

Community Hangout - Status Update: 2021-March

All repositories related to Zephir, which were inside phalcon Github organization were transferred to zephir-lang organization.

Zephir repositories transfers
We're a nonprofit organization that creates solutions for web developers. Our products are Phalcon, Zephir and others. If you would like to help us stay free and open, please consider supporting us.