The Phalcon Team wishes all of our friends, contributors, developers and users of the framework a Merry Christmas!. We hope that the new year will bring health and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Merry Christmas and Update

We are happy to announce that Phalcon v5.8.0 has been released!

Phalcon v5.8.0 Released


This journey took me four years in total. Four years of meticulous planning, incremental steps, and countless hours of coding and debugging to migrate everything related to this service.

Phalcon + Swoole in High Load Micro Service

We are happy to announce that Phalcon v5.7.0 has been released!

Phalcon v5.7.0 Released

We are happy to announce that Phalcon v5.6.2 has been released!

Phalcon v5.6.2 Released

Time for a financial update for the project.

2023 Financial Update

We are happy to announce that Phalcon v5.6.1 has been released!

Phalcon v5.6.1 Released

We are happy to announce that Phalcon v5.6.0 has been released!

Phalcon v5.6.0 Released

The Phalcon Team wishes all of our friends, contributors, developers and users of the framework a Merry Christmas!. We hope that the new year will bring health and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Merry Christmas and Phalcon 5.5.0 Released

Join us this Saturday 23rd of December at 10:00 EST (15:00 UTC) for a community hangout and update.

Community Hangout and Update - 2023-12-23
We're a nonprofit organization that creates solutions for web developers. Our products are Phalcon, Zephir and others. If you would like to help us stay free and open, please consider supporting us.