As we continue to enhance Phalcon with new functionality and features, we have migrated all of our documentation on Read the Docs, a service that hosts documentation for open source projects such as ours.
Utilizing this service allows for:
- Easy exporting the documentation to other formats like PDF or ePub
- Managing the documentation for each release, independent of one another
- Supporting additional languages (other than English) for the documentation
- Consistency checking, ensuring that there are no broken links or missing images and much more.
This move required a total rewrite of the documentation, from PHP and HTML, to reStructuredText, a format that is independent of the code base and allows generation of the documentation to different formats.
Read the Docs is not yet considered the official documentation, since it is not complete. It does however serve as a quick reference for development. Our goal is to have the documentation as complete as possible prior to our next major release 0.5.x.
A new github repository has been created to manage the documentation. Every time anyone commits a change, Read the Docs automatically downloads and rebuilds the documentation, ensuring that it is up to date with the latest developments.
What’s next? If you have some extra time, we invite you to take a look at the new documentation and share your thoughts with us. If you find a typo, want to improve a section, wish to see something new that we have not covered, feel free to fork the repository and send us the changes via pull request.
Enjoy the new documentation system!
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