Phalcon v5.2.2 Released

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Phalcon v5.2.2 Released

We are happy to announce that Phalcon v5.2.2 has been released!

Life, summer and other factors prevented us from releasing earlier, but better late than never :)

This release fixes a few bugs.

Thank you as always to our community!



  • Fixed Encryption\Crypt::checkCipherHashIsAvailable to allow proper setting of the hash #16314
  • Removed unlikely from if statements from the Stream storage adapter and Json serializer #16339
  • Fixed Storage\Adapter\Stream::get()/set() to correctly calculate the path if the prefix is present in the key #16348
  • Fixed Html\Helper\Input\Checkbox to correctly process empty values #15959


Developers can upgrade using PECL

pecl install phalcon-5.2.2

To compile from source, follow our installation document

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