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One of the most requested features by the community, is an easy way to install and upgrade Phalcon.

Admittedly, a lot of us have installed Phalcon so many times that it is second nature to perform the task. However some developers might find the task daunting, especially if this is the first time they are trying to install the framework.


To help with this task, we have employed the services of, so as to create packages for PhalconPHP. With users can now add the relevant repository to their distribution, and install Phalcon with the package manager of their choice.

For instance, if we are looking at a Ubuntu distribution, all we have to do is:

DEB distributions (i.e Ubuntu)

Add the repository to your distribution

# Stable releases
curl -s | sudo bash

# Nightly releases
curl -s | sudo bash

This will be done only once, unless your distribution changes or you want to switch from stable to nightly builds

Install Phalcon

sudo apt-get install php5-phalcon

or for PHP 7

sudo apt-get install php7.0-phalcon

RPM distributions (i.e. CentOS)

Add the repository to our distribution

# Stable releases
curl -s | sudo bash

# Nightly releases
curl -s | sudo bash

This will be done only once, unless your distribution changes or you want to switch from stable to nightly builds

Install Phalcon

sudo yum install php56u-phalcon

or for PHP 7

sudo yum install php70u-phalcon


The repositories (stable/nightly) are located at You can click any of the repositories and inspect the packages. You can also find installation instructions as well as stats for each repository.

Thank you

A big thank you once more to our community for embracing this new change, even before the official announcement. We released 3.0.1 4 days ago, and as you can see, 388 installations in just 7 days!

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