Phalcon 3.2.2 released

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We are releasing Phalcon 3.2.2 today, addressing several bugs.


The release tag can be found here: 3.2.2. The Windows DLLs are in the releases Github page.


  • Fixed Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Postgresql::describeColumns to work properly with DOUBLE PRECISION and REAL data types #12842
  • Fixed Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\QueryBuilder::getPaginate to use the db connection service of the model #12957
  • Fixed Phalcon\Paginator\Adapter\QueryBuilder::getPaginate to escape reserved words #12950
  • Fixed Phalcon\Dispatcher::dispatch to correct forward with the modified action suffix #12988
  • Fixed Phalcon\Forms\Element::_construct to prevent create form element with empty name #12954


Phalcon 3.2.2 can be installed from the master branch, if you don’t have Zephir installed follow these instructions:

git clone
cd cphalcon/build
sudo ./install

Note that running the installation script will replace any version of Phalcon installed before. has been updated to allow your package manager (for Linux machines) to upgrade to the new version seamlessly.

NOTE: Windows DLLs are now available in our Github Release page.

NOTE: PackageCloud (linux distributions) will be updated tomorrow 2017-08-14.

We encourage existing Phalcon 3 users to update to this version.

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