Live Release v4.0.0.RC.2 and Community Hangout - 2019-10-26

Read time: 1 minute

Time for a new release and community hangout! v4.0.0.RC2 will be released tomorrow during our monthly hangout with the community! You might not want to miss it! Join us on Saturday the 26th of October 2019, at 12:00:00 EST (16:00:00 UTC), to talk about our progress, address concerns and find solutions to common problems and release v4.0.0.RC2.

You will be able to get an insight on what it takes for a new release to be prepared and made available for everyone.

We will hold this virtual meeting on a live event in YouTube. The URL for the hangout is:


Topics to discuss:

  • Introduction, welcome to all attendees
  • Thank you to the whole community and contributors
  • Status update since last hangout
  • Live Release v4.0.0.rc.2
  • Videos (Source Code)
  • Documentation
  • Devtools
  • Sample applications (vokuro etc.)
  • Q/A

Looking forward to hearing from all of you and seeing you during the hangout.

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<3 Phalcon Team

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