Article about Phalcon in a French magazine

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Article about Phalcon in a French magazine

I’m happy to announce the release of my article dedicated to Phalcon in a French magazine called Programmez.

PROGRAMMEZ - Phalcon - Cover

Even though the article is in French, it us great to see the title : Phalcon : le nouveau framework PHP à connaître - Phalcon : the new PHP framework to know on the cover of the magazine.

The article is eight pages long, in which I am presenting Phalcon and Zephir, as well as showcasing Phalcon’s main features.

This edition is available for two months (June-July 2020). You can find it on the magazine’s website.

Thank you! I hope this article contributes to increasing Phalcon’s community !

Article submitted by Jérémy PASTOURET @jenovateurs

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